
Our Land

Being out on the ranch makes us happy. Sometimes it’s hot, sometimes its cold and rainy - after all, this is Texas. No matter the temperature, we love our land.

There are a few things we do to keep our ranch healthy. We plant native Texas grasses in our pasture since they are specially evolved to thrive here. We let those native grasses grow and re-seed themselves by mowing sparingly which allows the good grass to compete successfully with less desirable plants. We use rotational grazing practices to use our cattle as fertilizer for the earth while giving the grass time to recover and grow. We give our wildlife space to coexist with us. We soil test to make sure our dirt is packing the nutrients we need, and none of the bad stuff. All this adds up to be a holistic and sustainable ranch management approach. It also happens to make it a pretty place to picnic and explore. Contact us if you want to visit!
